About us
We are optimistic, the rest will come by itself

Our expertise
We have +20 years of trading experience as certified and professional traders.
Winner of the World Cup Trading Championship® and winner of the Global Cup Trading Championship ™.
Over 1000 satisfied followers confirm us.
Our history
We have been trading on the stock exchange since 1998, Stefan for even longer.
We experienced the long bear market after the dot-com bubble burst.
We have had failures ourselves and know the emotional stresses that can arise in trading with a wrong perspective.
We have found a permanently profitable way.
Our offering
We help traders to be successful and independent in the stock market.
Success comes when you have a deep understanding of investing.
Those who have mastered the most important tools will no longer be plagued by the fear of losing money when investing.
Our philosophy
We have high quality standards for our strategies and our training.
We have recognized that more return does not mean more risk, as it is often quoted.
More return means broadening the knowledge horizon.
We don't just want to present a piece of the puzzle, but holistic concepts.
Performance and transparency are the motto of this website.

The team

Master of Science
Jon Pascal Wiemert
IT and administrative
Matthias Wiemert
Trading & Education

Nattaya Clumsey